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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Car history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Vehicle history - Essay Example Steam vehicles had been worked in America since before the Civil War. In 1871, Dr. J. W. Carhart, educator of material science at Wisconsin State University, and the J. I. Case Company assembled a working steam vehicle. That was sufficient to energize the State of Wisconsin to offer a $10,000 prize to the champ of a 200 mile race in 1878. In 1873, Karl Benz built up a fruitful gas-fueled two-stroke cylinder motor. After this he concentrated on building up a mechanized vehicle. His Patent Motorwagen, presented in 1886, is generally viewed as the primary reason assembled car that is a vehicle structured from the beginning to be mechanized. Benz uncovered it authoritatively on July 3, 1886 on the Ringstrase in Mannheim, Germany. Henry Ford had a motor running by 1893 however it was 1896 preceding he assembled his first vehicle. Before the year's over Ford had sold his first vehicle, which he called a Quadracycle, for $200 and utilized the cash to assemble another. With the budgetary support of the Mayor of Detroit, William C. Maybury and other well off Detroiters, Ford shaped the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899. A couple of models were manufactured however no creation vehicles were ever constructed by this organization. It was broken down in January 1901. Portage would not offer a vehicle available to be purchased until 1903. Today it has been 100 years of the approach of electric vehicles. It has a fascinating history of advancement its despite everything continue. It was first evolved in France and England during the last quarter of nineteenth century. During late 1890s and early long stretches of twentieth century, a great deal of developments were made in engine vehicles industry. Till 1895, Americans didn't start to dedicate regard for electric vehicles. It was the main business application in America which built up as an armada of New York City taxis in 1897. The early electric vehicles were minimal more than energized horseless carriages and surreys. For instance, in 1902 Wood's Phaeton which had top speed of 14 mph, a scope of 18 miles and cost $2,000. The years 1899 and 1900 were the sky-scratching purpose of electric vehicles in America, as they surpassed every other kind of vehicles. With the progression of time, the vehicle business got success and the engine vehicle used to be transformed into steam, electric, or gas variants. Most early electric vehicles were fancy with monstrous carriages and intended for the high society with cost under $1,000. Nonetheless, by 1910, they had extravagant insides, with costly materials, and arrived at the midpoint of $3,000. Electric vehicles appreciated accomplishment into the 1920s with creation topping in 1912. Toward the beginning of its coming in twentieth century, electric vehicles got ubiquity as it had numerous preferences over their rivals. They didn't have the clamor, smell and vibrations related with gas vehicles. In contrast to fuel vehicles, electric vehicles didn't require gear changes. Likewise, steam-controlled vehicles experienced long beginning up times of as long as 45 minutes on cool mornings. The steam vehicles had less range before requiring water than the scope of an electric vehicle on a solitary charge When contrasted with steam-fueled and gas vehicles, the electric vehicles was the favored decision of numerous in light of the fact that it didn't require the manual exertion to begin. With different vehicles there was a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sense And Sensibility Themes Essay -- essays research papers
"Sense and Sensibility" In Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility there is a subject that runs alongside guys in the novel. The primary conceived children are compelled to manage the advancements and capacities that join the laws of primogeniture, yet even with all they get they don't lead a through and through upbeat life. The men that are "first-born" are in truth also influenced by the force and commitment that accompanies their homes. In the novel the primary children are seen in a negative light, yet the second-brought into the world children have less obligation to be what society needs them to be and are permitted to be his own. In spite of the fact that Edward Ferrars, is a firstborn, his mom excludes him due to his absence of center and capacity to be all she needs him to be; as John Dashwood comments "Robert will presently to all aims and intentions be considered as the oldest son." We realize that Colonel Brandon is a second child since he has a more establ ished sibling who wedded his old darling, Eliza, numerous years prior to the novel's plot starts. Also, while these characters are the legends of the novel, all the oldest children are thrown in a negative light, including John Dashwood, Robert Ferrars, and Colonel Brandon's more established sibling. In Austen's day, the oldest children were the ones who acquired all the family property as indicated by the laws of male primogeniture. Be that as it may, despite these legacy laws, it is the second children who at last discover satisfaction in the novel; in this way they make content lives for them...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Internet Addition Disorder--What a Tangled Web We Weave
Web Addition DisorderWhat a Tangled Web We Weave Is It A Tangled Web We Weave?A Cincinnati mother was accused of kid disregard when she bolted her three little child age youngsters in their rooms for curiously significant stretches of time. The mother didn't prefer to be upset while riding the Internet. A Toledo family is poverty stricken after the dad bet everything endlessly at on-line betting. (Place for On-line Addiction)Instead of getting the telephone to call a companion, an email is sent or a talk room is used. Wants for new types of correspondence or amusement are satisfied by searching for sentiment and companions in talk rooms. Playing a game of cards, chess, sell off offers or in any event, shopping on the web are turning out to be normal spot. With the developing significance of the Internet in regular daily existence, more individuals getting to different on-line assets each day.The World Wide Web is educational, helpful, creative, and fun. For certain individuals, the dependent, these advantages are turning out to be detriments.The Goldbergs (Puzzle)Psychiatrist, Ivan Goldberg, M.D., instituted the term Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). Dr Goldberg characterizes IAD as, a maladaptive example of Internet use, prompting clinically critical weakness and misery. The web can be irresistible, to the point that it meddles with day by day life and everyone around them. Evidence in the territory of dependence proposes that Internet Addiction Disorder is introducing issues that are getting increasingly basic in the public eye as on-line utilization increases.(Goldberg)What is IAD? The American Psychiatric Association set the accompanying criteria:1. Tolerance* A requirement for expanded measures of time on the Internet accomplish satisfaction* Diminished impact with the equivalent of measure of time on the Internet2. Withdrawal* Trembling and tremors with agitation* Anxiety and moodiness* Obsessive contemplating what's going on the Internet* Fantasies or dreams about the Internet* Voluntary or automatic composing developments...
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Funding Proposal for Unintentional falls in Older Adults - Free Essay Example
Introduction Executive Summary Our community health foundation requests an estimated amount of $55,209 in order to sponsor an inventive dietetics as well as ensuring there is improved healthy living plan for K-2 kid. The plan will be designed to serve approximately 200-300 students every five weeks in the course of a year, this will be realized by teaching those perceived to be of low income the significance of choosing healthy foods to prepare from the onset in order to counteract obesity in childhood early in advance. Our foundation’s mission is to educate kids that taking healthy meals as well as taking care of their bodies tends to be a fun hence being a vital pillar to live long as well as having healthy life. By the foundation setting up school health programs, children will be furnished with adequate knowledge, attitudes as well as necessary skills which will assist in making smart choices when it comes to eating as well as taking care of their state of health. Description of Program Our foundation has come up with a team of five registered Dietitians who will be tasked with the role of traversing those schools perceived to be of low income in Michigan for purposes of educating K-2 students on matters regarding both nutrition and healthy living. The program has been scheduled to take duration of six weeks whereby the curriculum gives room for discussion engagements as well as those activities that teach kids on how particular choices will impact their healthy in some years to come, and the reason it is vital to take safety measures early in advance. As the program progresses, children will have the freedom to explore new food items. As per the plan, this program will be executed for twelve months. In addition, for purposes of analysis, information will be gathered for one year after the program year is complete. Therefore, two years will be the total length of the project. Statement of Need Rates of obesity have reached extreme levels in the United States. In this regard, according to the control centre for illness, about 17% (this is equivalent to 12.5 million) children as well as adolescents has nearly become thrice the number in 1980. Due to increased number of incidences reported, it becomes difficult to believe that less than 15% of uncomplicated students take five or more servings of fruits and vegetables on daily basis as recommended. A portion of 30% of those students eat less than one serving of vegetable a day whereby one quarter of the vegetables eaten are French fries. Therefore, the need for help is as clear as can be. According to the data obtained from the office of the surgeon General, 300,000 deaths each year in the united states are as a result of obesity; this indicates the significance of taking preventive measures by introducing health programs in schools so that kids can be taught on how to live a healthy lifestyle as early as possible therefore averting such illnesses. Heart disease among others like cancer, fatty liver disease, breathing problems can be brought about by factors like overweight or obese. Children who are obese have high risk of becoming target of teasing as well as social isolation that may finally result to poor self esteem. Children who are obese tend to be more likely to become obese as an adult which happens to be not only costly to their bodies but also for their wallets. In this regard it will take a very small portion of that cost in order to facilitate this program to be a success for the sake of doing away with this obesity outbreak from becoming more dreadful Objectives To increase awareness regarding obesity and also train children on how to avoid being obese. To ensure that parents get the necessary information they require which will assist them understand that eating healthy doesn’t necessarily have to cost more. Also they need to be shown how to apply for the assistance from the government in case they are able to receive. iii. To demonstrate to teachers how integration of the program material into their curriculum will be helpful so that they will be in a position to emphasize the material coverage and more once in a week. To offer education to families of K-2 students ensuring parents are engaged as well as sending flyers home with the kids in order to stick on their refrigerators as a reminder to making choices which are healthy. Methods  Details of the program In number each school will be assigned to one dietitian for the entire length of the program. The schedule will be planned such that dietitian will teach classes not exceeding 50 students at a go. For instance, if a school has an enrolment of 200 K-2 students, therefore they will be divided into four groups whereby the dietitian will have to spend four hours in total at the school each day; this means each group will be entitled to one hour. During the study the students will get an opportunity to learn what obesity entails, the health problems attached to it and therefore learn how to take measures in order to do away with it hence staying healthy. At the beginning of the program this section will be stressed for the children to comprehend the reason they should care about as well as concentrating to the material. Health problems details related to obesity will not be covered, but in return an overview of an age appropriate will cover vital facts regarding obesity which should be known to children. The concentration will be how grow up to be healthy and stronger by receiving right as well as staying active. In order to adjust the negative implications the program will introduce children to a wide variety of fruits as well as vegetables and the different forms they come in for instance, banana bread, canned peas among others. Students will be offered a chance by the plan to discover new foods in the entire six weeks so that they can commence to restructure on what they take. In this regard, it is vital to educate children at their early stages that getting servings of fruits and vegetables daily does not necessarily mean taking them when raw, and blending them can be quite tasty. Inadequate opportunities for kids to learn about meals from their parents have been fueled by the increased number of single parent families together with households where both parents happen to work. As a result of this, the registered dietitians will educate students easy, and healthy snacks they can prepare by themselves, or teach their parents how to bake them. Through engagements in activities as well as discussions, students will be in a position to think of food comprising of a wide variety of ingredients so that they can have a fun way to know the importance of taking foods of different colors of the rainbow for instance; this will contribute to getting all the required nutrients by the body in order to be healthy and strong. Kids will get an opportunity to learn what one serving looks like, and the easy ways to quantify one serving. Students will also get to know the quantity of servings of each food group they are supposed to take on daily basis and they will also learn how to be familiar with one serving so that they can estimate the number of servings remaining. In the course of the program, teachers will have an opportunity to monitor different ways to teach students about being healthy so that they will have necessary tools to achieve the goal nutrition teaching once a week. Education to families on how to become healthier, diverse material will be taken to parents by their children for instance, flyers with hints on how to save money at the grocery store by shopping smart, coupons among others. Fridays will be set for summarizing as well as reviewing the material in order to give room to reinforce the information for the kids and to sum up the lessons of the entire week for parents. Evaluation Each and every project is supposed to use simple evaluation tools to assist in measurement of the impact that activities of the project had on healthy eating, physical activity as well as prevention. Preferably, each and every project would achieve one or more of the quantifiable results. In this regard, it will be a requirement for teachers as well as staff who oversee the lunch to ensure each student has brought a fruit together with vegetable for snack at least four times randomly per month for duration of one year after the completion of the program. Once the students achieve their goal on average, it will portray the accomplishment of the first objective. The second objective will be quantified by having both teachers and lunch staff fill questionnaires about how they reacted to the program and if they abided by the guidelines given during teaching times about health once a week for duration of one year upon accomplishment of the program. Parents of those children who participated in the program will receive surveys in order to find out whether they are receiving assistance from the regime since the agenda begun. Also, it assists in retrieving information about the effect the agenda has had on eating habits of families.   Questions will also be raised in surveys to find out whether the parents have used any kind of recipes provided by the agenda and also if they have found the take home useful. Also, advancement in healthy eating, as evidenced by an increase both fruit and vegetable intake will be put into practice. Eventually, both parents and teachers will be presented with space on the questionnaire to leave their remarks on how the agenda can be made better. Dissemination of project results Conveyance or distribution of information of the grant-funded project in order to be accessible to everyone in different ranks for instance, at local level, state level, national level as well as an international level. The following are ways in which the information can be made accessible to the public; By publicizing the outcomes of the project in the newsletter perceived to be of the district, on the website and also on your local television channels. Other alternatives of carrying out the same can be through undertaking presentations at school board meetings as well as to parents. To ensure information of the project reaches at the state level, the school will be tasked with ensuring information is published to the projects area of focus. Also by considering doing workshop presentations or poster sessions at state conference. iii. By submitting studies for review by going to the website. By considering holding a webinar, in connection with one or more joint partners in the project. Sample Budget and Justification The budget of this plan is sub-divided into sections in order to give a clear picture of how much will be required in each position for the project to be considered as a success. Personnel: At this point it is mandatory that employees positions as well as the names of the applicant, together with those costs referred to as in-kind for their respective positions as related to the tasks they undertake in the grant project should be provided.
Monday, May 18, 2020
How the Great Depression Altered US Foreign Policy
As Americans suffered through the Great Depression of the 1930s, the financial crisis influenced U.S. foreign policy in ways that pulled the nation even deeper into a period of isolationism. While the exact causes of the Great Depression are debated to this day, the initial factor was World War I. The bloody conflict shocked the global financial system and altered the worldwide balance of political and economic power. The nations involved in World War I had been forced to suspend their use of the gold standard, long the determining factor in setting international currency exchange rates, in order to recover from their staggering war costs. Attempts by the U.S., Japan, and the European nations to re-instate the gold standard during the early 1920s left their economies without the flexibility they would be needed to cope with the financial hard times that would come in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Along with the great U.S. stock market crash of 1929, economic difficulties in Great Britain, France, and Germany coincided to create a global â€Å"perfect storm†of financial crises. Attempts by those nations and Japan to hold on to the gold standard only worked to fuel the storm and hasten the onset of a global depression. Depression Goes Global With no coordinated international system of dealing with a worldwide depression in place, the governments and financial institutions of the individual nations turned inward. Great Britain, unable to continue in its long-held role as the mainstay and chief ​money lender of the international financial system, became the first nation to permanently abandon the gold standard in 1931. Preoccupied with its own Great Depression, the United States was unable to step in for Great Britain as the world’s â€Å"creditor of last resort,†and permanently dropped the gold standard in 1933. Determined to resolve the global depression, leaders of the world’s largest economies convened the London Economic Conference of 1933. Unfortunately, no major agreements came out of the event and the great global depression persisted for the rest of the 1930s. Depression Leads to Isolationism In struggling with its own Great Depression, the United States sank its foreign policy even deeper into post-World War I stance of isolationism. As if the Great Depression was not enough, a series of world events that would result in World War II added to Americans’ desire for isolation. Japan seized most of China in 1931. At the same time, Germany was expanding its influence in Central and Eastern Europe, Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. The United States, however, chose not to oppose any of these conquests. To a large degree, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were constrained from reacting to international events, no matter how potentially dangerous, by the demands of the public to deal exclusively with domestic policy, primarily bringing an end to the Great Depression. Having witnessed the horrors of World War I, Hoover, like most Americans, hoped to never see the United States involved in another world war. Between his election November 1928 and his inauguration in March 1929, he traveled to the nations of Latin America hoping to win their trust by promising that the U.S. would always honor their rights as independent nations. Indeed, in 1930, Hoover announced that his administration’s foreign policy would recognize the legitimacy of the governments of all Latin American countries, even those whose governments did not conform to American ideals of democracy. Hoover’s policy was a reversal of President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy of using force if necessary to influence the actions of Latin American governments. Having withdrawn American troops from Nicaragua and Haiti, Hoover proceeded to avoid U.S. intervention in some 50 Latin American revolutions, many of which resulted in the establishment of anti-American governments. As a result, America’s diplomatic relations with the Latin American warmed during the Hoover presidency. Under the 1933 Good Neighbor Policy of President Franklin Roosevelt, the United States reduced its military presence in Central and South America. The move greatly improved U.S. relations with Latin America, while making more money available for depression-fighting initiatives at home. Indeed, throughout the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations, the demand to rebuild the American economy and end rampant unemployment forced U.S. foreign policy onto the backmost burner †¦ at least for a while. The Fascist Effect While the mid-1930s saw the rise conquest of militaristic regimes in Germany, Japan, and Italy, the United States remained entrenched in isolation from foreign affairs as the federal government struggled with the Great Depression. Between 1935 and 1939, the U.S. Congress, over the objections of President Roosevelt, enacted a series of Neutrality Acts specifically intended to prevent the United States from taking any role of any nature in potential foreign wars. The lack of any significant U.S. response to the invasion of China by Japan in 1937 or the forced occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1938 encouraged the governments of Germany and Japan to expand the scope of their military conquests. Still, many U.S. leaders continued to believe the need to attend to its own domestic policy, mainly in the form of ending the Great Depression, justified a continued policy of isolationism. Other leaders, including President Roosevelt, believed that U.S. non-intervention simple allowed the theaters of war to grow ever-closer to America. As late as 1940, however, keeping the U.S. out of foreign wars had widespread support from the American people, including high-profile celebrities like record-setting aviator Charles Lindbergh. With Lindbergh as its chairman, the 800,000-member-strong America First Committee lobbied Congress to oppose President Roosevelt’s attempts to provide war materials to England, France, the Soviet Union, and the other nations fighting the spread of fascism. When France finally fell to Germany in the summer of 1940, the U.S. government slowly started increasing its participation in the war against fascism. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941, initiated by President Roosevelt, allowed the president to transfer, at no cost, arms and other war materials to any â€Å"government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.†Of course, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1942, thrust the United States fully into World War II and ended any pretense of American isolationism. Realizing that the nation’s isolationism had to some degree contributed to the horrors of World War II, U.S. policymakers once again began to emphasize the importance of foreign policy as a tool in preventing future global conflicts. Ironically, it was the positive economic impact of America’s participation in World War II, which had been long-delayed in part by the Great Depression that at last pulled the nation out of its longest economic nightmare.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Evolutionary Social Theories ( Teggart ) Essay
*****In early anthropology, the mode of operation was to study the beliefs and practices of different cultures then observe the relations they had with each other. While studying culture, anthropologists observed many similarities in the traits and the material culture among different societies. As said by the founder of the ASW (Anthropological Society of Washington) in 1895: â€Å"Even among peoples geographically far apart, often being different forms of mankind, we find phrases, arts, industry, social styles and customs, folk-tales, beliefs and Gods, and even literatures very much alike†(O. T. Mason, 1895a: 14). Societies or cultures were consequently classed according to their ‘advancement’ these classes came to be interpreted as stages in the evolution civilization. Societies would have evolved from a simple primitive lifestyle to a barbaric one and finally to modern society. This is now known as the evolutionary social theories (Teggart, 1949; Watson, 1953 ; Burrow, 1968; Harris, 1968; Meek, 1976; Bowler, 1983). *****Civilisation has been described as going through stages by philosophers as far back as millennia ago. A. Comte, H. Spencer, K. Marx, L. H. Morgan, and E. B. Tylor, took to describing civilisation as evolving. They were joined in this by many scholars of history. For these theories to works some assumptions were made. The first was that basic human nature is the same throughout. That regardless of which path societies take they were heading in the same
Film and Literature Essay Example For Students
Film and Literature Essay RashomonIn the short story Rashomon by Akutagawa Ryunosuke the theme of choosing between life and death and right from wrong has been put to the test over and over through out the depths of time. With this knowledge it can clearly be stated that one can not perform an evil without thinking about one being done in return to them. In Rashomon the servant was left with a valiant decision, one in which he felt very uncomfortable and at the same time believed incapable of making. After some brief analysis of his situation he clearly realized he needed to make a decision between feast or fam-ine, he chose the former. Humans when faced with making critical choices such as one that involves there own life over the life of an-other and at the same time put under pressure about making those choices tend to save themselves. This was exactly the choice the ser-vant made. This of course without saying is the natural choice, but these decisions are also the ones that separate the heroes or icons from ordinary people. Decisions such as whether to fight for your country even though you dont agree with the reason for it, or to stand up for your religion even though you will be persecuted. The servant could have opted not to rob the old women and think of an-other way of surviving, but that would have been the more !difficult of the two decisions. When he climbed up that latter he was full of fear but that fear soon dispersed when he saw an old women, some-one who was weaker than him. The servant saw the old women pulling hair out of the head of corpses he still at this point had com-passion for those dead people and his human side arose:With every hair she plucked, the mans fear subsided. But, at the same time, he began to feel an intense hatred for this old women. To put it more accurately, a growing aversion to all manner of evil slowly welled up inside of him. If at this moment he were to weigh the merits of stealing or starving to death, as he had done under the gate, he would have chosen death without any hesitation.What made the servant change from what the author reveals about his character that he was an adequate servant to his master to a crazed man. The fact is all humans have sinned and when tempted with the opportunity it can sometimes seem very difficult to turn down especially with mundane decisions. Although, it angered him that the old women was taking hair off corpses heads and was going to use them to make a wig and sell it for food or money it didnt oc-cur to him that it would have bee no different if it were him taking the hair off the heads of those corpses because he was robbing her. At that moment he was so engulfed with evil that only the thought of survival raced through his mind. When flushed with a decision that can alter your life for the better you will more than likely make that choice which will enhance your life without the consideration of others. This was the exact choice that both the servant and the old women made. The servant took advantage a situation because he would have otherwise starved to death. The next time he might be the one who will be taken ad-vantage from by someone stronger than him.
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